Helping you heal from toxic relationships, overcome anxiety, & Build confidence

therapist in virginia
therapist in virginia

Any of these sound familiar?

  • Questioning yourself/low confidence

  • History of unhealthy, toxic, narcissistic relationships

  • Chronically overwhelmed or fatigued

  • On-edge, tense, or unable to relax

  • Struggling to feel proud of yourself/ it’s always ‘on to the next thing’

  • Fear of failure or rejection

  • Changes in eating or exercise habits

  • Disconnected from people/experiences

  • Feeling guilty or responsible for others’ emotions

  • Feeling lost or unsure of who you are

  • Scared of getting close to people because you’ve been hurt before

At the end of the day, you just want a break from the constant emotional stress!

I hear you And You can overcome these things!

How? I’m glad you asked!

therapist in virginia

Hello, my name is Catherine! I’m licensed therapist in Virginia, Maryland, and Florida, passionate about helping teens and adults heal from emotional and relationship trauma, build confidence, and break the chains of anxiety and fear!

If you’re here, I assume the above list hit home - whether it’s relationship trauma, an eating disorder, or the overwhelming anxiety of trying to live up to societal, familial, or personal standards, you’re in the right place!

You want to build your confidence, feel less anxious and nervous, be able to connect and build relationships with people, and be unapologetically and authentically you - you want emotional freedom!

I want that for you, and I want to help you do exactly that!!

Together, we can build an understanding of your emotions and build skills and techniques to manage them more effectively - break those chains, so to speak - and gain freedom and clarity in your life! With those, we can help you build and foster the relationships and life you’ve been longing for - no more letting people treat you like shit or abandoning yourself for the sake of the people around you!

How amazing does that sound?!

I genuinely believe that using your innate strengths (yes, you do have them!) and personal interests, while approaching your emotions and experiences with compassion and curiosity, will help us work together to overcome the fears, anxieties, and instability and help you feel more confident and comfortable, inside and out! You’ll no longer be afraid of your emotions, be able to set and enforce boundaries that help you create and foster healthy relationships, and allow yourself to live life more freely.

I’d be honored to help you through your journey and support you through this process - I’m ready when you are!

Hi, I’m Catherine, and i’m here to help!

Virginia: Licensed Professional Counselor (#0701013988)

Maryland Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (#LC15856)

Florida: Telehealth Licensed Mental Health Counselor (#TPMC5419)

So, how does this all work?

  1. Email me to schedule a 20-minute phone call for us to get to know each other, ask any questions, and ensure we’re a good fit!

  2. Join me each week for support and to work through the nitty gritty & develop tools to help you heal and build a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

  3. Watch your confidence flourish while we foster long-lasting, meaningful change in your life!